• FORESITE电子清洁度测试仪C3


     品牌:FORESITE  型号:C3  加工定制:否  






    More residue-related, performance and reliability issues are affecting electronic assemblies today than ever before. The Foresite C3 Critical Cleanliness Control® is unique among electronics cleanliness testers - it remains the only tester on the market that indicates whether a specific, critical area of a PCBA is clean.

    Simply select the components and/or areas of circuitry that are most sensitive and prone to contamination-related performance and/or reliability issues and test a small (0.1 in2) area. The C3 quickly provides feedback as to whether potentially detrimental residues, frequently from manufacturing processes, are present.

    Once critical areas have been identified to test, the operator simply slides a new, single-use, test cell into the steam head and manually moves the head on the articulated arm into place over the test area. The weight of the arm and steam head seals the test cell on the test surface. The operator then starts the automated, non-destructive, extraction and test sequence. The C3 test consists of applying a voltage across copper traces on the test cell electrode, submerged in the extracted sample, and measuring the leakage current (inµA). The current resulting from the corrosiveness and/or conductivity of the sample is compared to a programmed current limit until a programmed decision time elapses. If the current limit is reached or exceeded prior to the decision time, the test result is “dirty”. This test method not only indicates increased sample conductivity, but senses electro-migration. In 7-10 minutes the operator knows whether the tested product area is an area of cleanliness concern. The C3 can be used right in the manufacturing area.

    At the conclusion of the test, the cell can be easily removed with the help of the cell ejector on the head. The approx. 2.0 ml test sample in the cell is efficiently extracted from the small, test area through repeated cycles of steam bursts and soak (solubilization) time. This sample can be further laboratory analyzed to identify the particular contaminants present and in what concentrations. The entire test is simple and easy for the operator, and the result is not operator-dependent. Use of the Foresite, single-use, test cells and extraction solution avoids cross-contamination of the sample.


    与残留物有关的性能和可靠性问题比以往任何时候都更影响电子组件。Foresite C3 Critical Cleanliness Control®在电子清洁度测试仪中是独一无二的-它仍然是市场上唯一可指示PCBA特定关键区域是否清洁的测试仪。

    只需选择*敏感且容易出现与污染相关的性能和/或可靠性问题的电路组件和/或电路区域,然后测试一个较小的区域(0.1平方英寸)。 C3快速提供有关是否存在经常来自制造过程的潜在有害残留物的反馈。

    一旦确定了要测试的关键区域,操作员只需将一个新的,一次性使用的测试单元滑入蒸汽压头,然后手动将铰接臂上的压头移动到整个测试区域的适当位置即可。臂和蒸汽头的重量将测试单元密封在测试表面上。然后,操作员开始自动化,无损的提取和测试程序。 C3测试包括在测试电池电极上的铜迹线上施加电压,将其浸没在提取的样品中,然后测量泄漏电流(单位:µA)。将由样品的腐蚀性和/或电导率产生的电流与编程的电流限制进行比较,直到经过编程的决策时间为止。如果在决定时间之前达到或超过电流极限,则测试结果为“脏污”。该测试方法不仅表明样品电导率增加,而且可以感应电迁移。在7到10分钟内,操作员知道被测产品区域是否是清洁问题。 C3可以在制造区域直接使用。

    测试结束时,可借助头部上的细胞弹出器轻松地除去细胞。大约通过重复的蒸汽喷射和浸泡(增溶)时间循环,可从较小的测试区域有效地提取出单元格中的2.0 ml测试样品。可以对该样品进行进一步的实验室分析,以确定存在的特定污染物以及浓度。整个测试对于操作员而言既简单又容易,并且结果与操作员无关。使用Foresite,一次性使用的测试池和提取液可避免样品的交叉污染。





    FORESITE Electronic cleanliness tester NEW + ORIGINAL+ ONE YEAR WARRANTY




    如果有任何关于FORESITE电子清洁度测试仪C3的疑问,请随时与我们沟通( )。我们将尽全力解决您的问题。


    If you have any question for FORESITE products, please feel free to dial 0086-21-3100 6702/ send request email to  / browse our website:www.ize-industries.com.



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